How Can Ophthalmologists Improve Cataract Surgeries?

Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly-performed ophthalmic procedures. Every year, approximately 10 million individuals around the world undergo cataract surgery. While the prevalence of this operation has afforded many ophthalmologists the opportunity to gain experience and confidence, there are still always opportunities to improve surgical performance.
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The Necessity of Ongoing Ophthalmic Education

As a practicing ophthalmologist, we know you've survived years upon years of intense undergraduate and graduate training. You've no doubt worked hard for your doctoral degree and are well-deserving of your successes. It's therefore likely that the last thing on your "to-do" list is to complete even more education and training, on top of running your practice.
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Your Cataract Instruments Checklist

As may already be evident at your own practice, patients are developing cataracts at younger ages. In turn, the demand for cataract surgery is incr...
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